Monday, January 10, 2011

Change is happening

This week holds a new change for me . Decided to get back into my routine of going to the gym twice a week .I hope a few will join me it's not much fun on your own . Going to sort out my paper work and get this collage place in Galway. Then in 6 weeks i'll have a something else under my belt i'll be able to apply to be a carer .

Been a quite weekend internet not been working think someone messed up the town internet . Ah well can't really be surprised they mess up everything else.

Found out something new about blogspot . How to upload pics ? So now the snow photo's will be up today sorry about that .

Speaking about change weather has changed to lashing rain now . Tell you we cant win if it's not rain it snow and i'd rather snow any day .

So how was your weekend ?

Till wednesday .Take it easy

1 comment:

  1. Hope things are well for you. Anything you need to know about blogspot, let me know.
